20 October 2010


today ELP was a failure,i hate myself ><''
the thing that i wan to say suppose to be in my mind already,
but when i go out i become nervous and say wronly,
then i saw teacher throw a book away and i thought that was my assignment(actually that was belongs to the people before me),
so i was not in the mood to say and give up talking,
20 marks fly away,SAD LA~
then teacher got ask me,
because i say wrongly and mention that i forget all my writing already,
teacher ask either i got soft copy or not then i answer got then he ask why dun i look at it,
then i answer i get nervous and forget all about the stuff,
and so teacher answer "that fine,its your decision"
later friends told me that teacher maybe wan to give me second chance,
but that time i really no mood and dun know,
so the chance skip away~
but maybe teacher not giving also,he dint mention it~
but,nevermind already,it has pass,althought i am sad
now just hope that i will pass it ~scare la  ) :

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